Thursday, July 10, 2014

Checking in: 7/10/14

Hey, I know.  The posting is rather light.  Probably lighter than it's been since I started blogging full time back in 2010.

I've got things to do and places to go.  No time for the blogging thing.  Sorry.  I'm going to keep blogging though, because things are getting interesting.

I talked to "Worf" yesterday.  We went over water needs out there in the desert.  He said something about how the average American uses 85 gallons of water per day.  Running the numbers, that figures out to 31025 gallons a year.  Woof!   Here's a number that I calculated that will figure out how much water you can collect for every tenth of an inch of rain on 100 square feet of area---6.2 gallons.  If it rains 10 inches every year out in West Texas, that means for every 100 square feet, theoretically, you can collect 620 gallons of water a year.  This means that you will need  31025 divided by 620 in order to calculate the multiple of the 100 square feet needed for that daily requirement.  Five thousand square feet!  Woof!  For just one person!  Woof!

Obviously, the average American uses way, way too much water.  This will show why they are draining Lake Mead.  It isn't being drained because of a drought, as what we are being told.  Mitigation of global warming will make no difference in solving this problem.

That is another example of the stupidity of our culture.  People are obsessing on global warming and they aren't addressing the real problems.  Global warming is just poppycock, people.  Most of our culture has reduced to this kind of nonsensical blather.  Instead of addressing their very real water problems, most of the discussion is about something that doesn't even exist and isn't even relevant to their situation anyway.

Las Vegas is about to run out of water.  Let's see what Al Gore has to say about that when it happens.  I'm sure that somehow, it will all be George W. Bush's fault.

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