Friday, May 9, 2014

House Republicans find 10% of tea party donors audited by IRS

Washington Times

Investigators last year reported that the IRS singled out tea party and other conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status and gave them special scrutiny, including asking inappropriate questions about their activities and membership. The request for donor lists was among the inappropriate activities.--- Stephen Dinan

There's a lot of bragging about a Gallup poll indicating a drop in support for the Tea Party.  You have to consider whether or not the auditing may have something to do with that.  While it may be true that the threat of an audit can intimidate some, those who are left just may be radicalized.

Then you've got Podesta saying some pretty hard core stuff about opposition being the equivalent of cults.  The suppression of dissent by using the IRS could be the kind of thing that sparks a rebellion.  If that happens, the administration cannot claim innocence.  The political process is being short circuited.  When that happens, something else can take its place.

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