Friday, March 21, 2014

GOP might be finding their voice on foreign policy

There must be a messaging error amongst the GOP.  They come off looking like gunslingers while Obama lets Putin have his way with Ukraine.

If there's anyone more pro-freedom and anti-communist than me, I'd be surprised.  Yet, this is how the GOP looked to me.  The GOP made Obama's failed policy look good to me, of all people.  But that is changing.

Here's how it looks to me now.  Somehow, Europe has managed to get itself dependent upon Russian gas supplies while the United States has been making huge progress with fracking.  In other words, why hasn't the US been selling its increasingly abundant supplies of gas to Europe and allowed them to become dependent upon Russian supplies instead?  All this while pushing for freedom in Ukraine?  It's working at cross purposes.  It makes no sense at all.  It looks incompetent and is incompetent.  Where has this message been?

Not only that, this administration has been fighting the fracking boom.  This boom is the only good thing that come out of this past 5 years and this administration not only has failed to embrace it, but has done the exact opposite.  Instead of going after new markets in Europe, this administration would appear to be happy if the new found muscle thanks to fracking would disappear.  If such were to happen, Europe would become a huge version of Ukraine--- completely at the mercy of the Russian suppliers.  Is that what this administration wants?  Do they want a free Europe or an enslaved Europe?

Another thing I've been reading is that Obama's "sanctions" had no teeth at all.  The Russians have been withdrawing billions of dollars of deposits from banks in the West during this crisis.  This is laughable, as the "sanctions" do nothing to stop this.  Why did the administration allow this?  Furthermore, the Russians have threatened to withdraw from their purchasing of US bonds, which would cause US interest rates to rise.  Apparently, Obama has allowed himself to be bullied by this "threat".  The Russian threats are hollow.  Yet, Obama's responses are hollow.  It is as if we are totally dependent upon Russia and must march to their tune or something.  Ridiculous.  We are in a much stronger position than this, yet Obama acts like a weakling.

If the GOP had led with this instead of come off looking like gunslingers, I would have been more supportive.

There's no need for us to intervene militarily.  But we are falling into the trap of doing that or watching NATO be neutralized and Ukraine falling into Russia's hands.  That's the way it looks to me and that's what the GOP needed to be saying all along.

Better late than never.  Evidently, the GOP is finding their voice and Obama is looking worse by the day.

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