Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The world in ferment

Change is the natural course of things.  Or so it seems to be the case in recent history.  But even in times that were stable, individuals change over time.  There does seem to be a lot of things happening out there that portends a change in the making in the larger scene.  But where it goes, it is impossible to say.

What do people really want?  There seems to be dissatisfaction out there in many places.  If these people got what they wanted, would they be happy with what they created?

I was thinking about that on a personal level yesterday.  Sometimes it seems like I would just like to be anywhere but where I am.  It is this kind of discontent that leads to change, but in the end, I seem to always come right back where I always was.  You can change things just so much.  You can change your circumstances, but it is hard to change what goes on inside your own skin.

I internalize these things too much.  I need to step back and view it as if in a distance and separated from it.  A bit of distance may help to discern what is truly going on.  If this blog is to be anything, it should be a guide to what to expect in the future.  Sometimes I get so wrapped up in this stuff that it clouds my vision.

Suffice it to say, at least for the moment, things seem to be changing.  Whether it is for the good or for the worse, I don't know.

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