Sunday, December 8, 2013

It may appear to be a sermon...

...but it is not.

Look, the left likes to let on how much they care about the little guy.  I think it is not that way at all.  Whatever good they do is incidental to what their real intentions are, which is to serve themselves at the expense of all others.

Which allows me to segue into the sermonizing.  Perhaps you've heard about this guy named Jesus.  Well, Jesus had a few things to say way back when, and one of those things strikes me as a great leadership model to follow.  To what do I refer?  He washed his disciples feet.  Now consider this for a moment.  Jesus, the Son of God, washes the feet of his followers.  Compared to the real world out there, it is the other way around. In our worldly world, it is the followers who must serve the master, the master never lowers himself to wash the feet of his underlings.  To me, Jesus meant to show his followers the way to lead their flocks: they must serve.  Their own needs come last, the needs of the many come first.

In the days of antiquity, the leaders would often be considered as gods.  Their subjects prostrated themselves before them, there was no chance that they, being gods of this world, would on bended-knee stoop to wash the feet of those below them.  They ruled their kingdoms by force and fear.  They did not serve their kingdoms, they were in command of them, and thus were served.

If you don't believe in Jesus, you have to admit that the idea to serve rather than to be served was quite revolutionary.  Try that today with this bunch in Washington DC.  If those in DC would do just this, things might have a chance to turn around.

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