Monday, December 9, 2013

GOP strategy, if it can be called that

It must be what Dick Morris proposed awhile back---"sweet reasonableness".  Rather than go for the throat, we are seeing nothing confrontational at all.

  • The Democrats exercise the "nuclear option" in the Senate, the GOP response?---to be "sad".  Is there any doubt that if the shoes were on the other foot that Harry Reid would have shut down the Senate?
  • Recall the shut down in October?  Back then, the Democrats were demanding an end to sequestration.  It now appears that they are going to get it.  Once again, no confrontation, just sweet reasonableness.
  • They've been playing it tough on immigration, but Boehner gave off some hints that we may see a cave-in there as well.
In the meantime, there has been nothing but wall-to-wall negative news about the rollout of ObamaCare.  So, is that the angle they are playing?  That the rollout will not improve and it will lead to enough voter discontent that they can win back the Senate and keep on in the House?  But, it is a long time between now and next November.  It may be asking a lot to keep everything revolving around that discontent so that they can rake in the votes.

Or does the GOP love futile tactics?  Like the impeachment talk.  Like the shut down.  This could be yet another futile tactic.  In such a case, there is no real strategy at all except to look tough and go down swinging.  Or be like Charlie Brown and Lucy, with Lucy pulling back the ball at the last minute.  Charlie Brown gets fooled again.

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