Friday, December 13, 2013

Huckabee candidacy?

The idea seemed intriguing, but I am already starting to sour on it.  Huckabee doesn't look like the real deal to me.  Ace of Spades' Gabriel Malor doesn't seem to like him either.

A few things stand out in a quick review:  1) has questionable judgment in clemency decisions.  Way too lenient there.  2) Said he was for a cap-and-trade system, then changed his story.  Of the two, the second one seems more serious.  He may not be on the level.  Another 3) quibble: wants to spend more on national defense.  That means a big government conservative.  We don't need that.

On the plus side, he seems to poll well. He should pull in the "stupids" who seem to be the ones who make the difference in this country.

So, we could have a couple hillbillies running for Prez in 2016.  Huck and Hill, what a thrill.

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