Thursday, June 20, 2013

Steve Jobs and Xerox story as applied to nuclear energy

In Gordon McDowell's video I put up last night, there's a short segment about Apple Computer and its connection with Xerox.

Basically, Xerox gave away its graphical user interface to Jobs, and Jobs adapted it into something that made the personal computer more user friendly.  Prior to that, computers were technological curiosities, only meant for nerds.  After taking Xerox's technology, and adapting it to computers, did the personal computer become a household product.  Xerox gave up the store because they simply did not see the potential in the technology that they had under their own noses.

This is a good analogy to what the USA has done with its molten-salt reactor technology.  Like Xerox, it has given away technology to the Chinese because this country simply does not see the value of the technology under its own nose.  I believe the Chinese will do with the molten-salt reactor what Jobs did with the personal computer.  China will make nuclear energy more user-friendly and it will become mainstream.  As for the USA, we will miss the boat.

The high cost of blindness.

I remember reading about how to be successful from a guy who studied the richest men in American history.  He had a section that advises the reader to "learn to see".  You must learn to see opportunities before you can take advantage of them.  To be blind is to relegate yourself to poverty.  If that is becoming true for Americans, our stint on the top is coming to an end.  This story is an example why this is true.

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