Sunday, June 16, 2013


What I wrote before in the previous post was no hyperbole.  There really is a phenomenon like brainwashing, although the term is not applied evenly in all cases.  Take the Patty Hearst case.  That case is believed to be a case of Stockholm Syndrome.  To me, it is all the same.  It is brainwashing.

People may think they are immune to this, but they are subjected to it all their lives.  People are largely taught to be the way they are.  Very few will attempt to go outside of their training.  The training starts when they are very young and is being constantly reinforced by the society at large.  There is little true freedom of thought, but a rather strong tendency towards conformity.  This version of brainwashing is ordinarily called indoctrination.  It is also called getting civilized.  In any case, there isn't much wiggle room in the mores of a society.  If you don't conform, you become an outcast.

I'm old enough to remember a different kind of society in the United States.  In that society, to use the term "queer", which was the term used for homosexuals back then, were fighting words for most men.  It may have been about the early seventies that you could start to hear the term "gay", which was to replace the derogatory term "queer".  Supposedly, this was a more humane way to treat others, but this was only the beginning of the new mores that were to be imposed upon the society as a whole.  Now, after several decades of social programming, attitudes have turned 180 degrees to the opposite direction.  To be opposed to homosexuality is to be an outcast, and the homosexuals are being mainstreamed.  For someone to be called gay now isn't necessarily fighting words, and if it were to be taken as fighting words, it would be evidence of a unenlightened attitude that is frowned upon.  I consider this shift in the mores of this society, which I consider to be brainwashing, to have been harmful.

I'd rather be an outcast than to be a citizen in good standing in this new society the left has built.  For the society that they have built is not one that will last.  It will crumble because it is at odds with human nature and nature itself.  Homosexuality isn't natural, no matter how much they may say otherwise, it cannot be.  For if it were, we wouldn't be here.

Human nature is strongly associated with self-preservation.  You can notice that non-white people do not vote for so-called "gay" rights.  To them, it's okay for the white folks to do it, but they won't.  They know better.  Unfortunately, white people have been programmed to believe that they have no business taking care of themselves, for to do so will make them racist.  The very word strikes fear in the hearts of many.  It is a sign of being an outcast.  Nobody wants to be an outcast.  So they conform to that which is meant to destroy them and they are helpless to resist.  For nobody wants to go outside of their programming.

What to do about this?  Perhaps it is too late.  Perhaps it has gone too far.

To me, it is better to go out fighting than to go out with a whimper.  I will never accept this new way.

In the end, it will destroy itself.  Only those who have resisted will be there to pick up pieces.  That may be a long way off, but that day will come.

But for now, the ship may have to continue sinking to the bottom.  Sometime this month, the Supreme Court will make its decision on same-sex marriage.  It is not likely to be good news for folks like me.  For a "conservative" court to do what I think they may do is enough to send shivers down your spine.  If the conservatives can be brainwashed, what hope is there?  Wait until the left gets control of this court.  The disintegration will come fast and furious then.  If the court surprises me and actually does the right thing, the battle is far from over.  For the new programming runs deep.

The Death Cult marches on.

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