Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Something has got to give ( repost 9-20-12 )

For those of you in my international audience, this is translated to mean that something must change soon. For the situation- as it stands- is simply impossible.

So, what exactly will happen and when?

The answer to that is a prediction and the future is unpredictable. It would have to be far enough into the future that a 100% probability would apply and general enough that any number of events could be said to satisfy the conditions of a successful prediction.

Therefore, with that in mind, I predict that the US Dollar will not be the world's reserve currency in five years or less. A lot of things will flow from that- or to that event- but that event will be the defining event. It would be defining because it would be undeniable proof of an end to an era.

What era? Paper money, otherwise known as fiat currency. Fiat currencies have always failed and it are failing again. That's what all of this trouble in the world means. Fiat currency is failing all over the world.

A bigger picture would mean the end of European or Western Civilization. I am not prepared to make that prediction yet, but that could be an event that flows from the failure of fiat currencies.

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