Thursday, May 9, 2013

Not so random thoughts on the road ( repost from Oct 30th 2012 )

Note:  I think this may be what I was looking for earlier.  So, I'll repost it here for what it's worth.  Though there's no prediction that Benghazi will prove Obama's end.

While driving around town, which is how I make my daily bread, thoughts about the final week of this presidential election season were on my mind.   Here are those thoughts, for what they are worth:

By the way, this isn't a thought, but I remember hearing this on the last debate's closing statements:  Obama objects to Afghanistan.  Perhaps because it is a long war, but I suspect that it is because that it is a war at all.  On 9-11, the left was the main part of those who didn't think anything should have been done about it if it provoked a larger war.  But over 90% thought otherwise.  Evidently, there has been a shift in opinion since then.  Now, Obama has been lying about Benghazi and blaming America for why we were attacked there.  Just thought I'd mention it here.

  1. So goes the truth, so goes the republic.  Comment:  Truth must have morality as its basis.  If there's no truth, there can be no morality.  If there's no morality, there can be no moral basis for a society.  From then on, it becomes a matter of brute force and will over the populace.  That's not a republic.
  2.  You can catch more flies with a drop of honey than a gallon of gall.  Comment: That's what was advised in How to Win Friends and Influence People.   It may have been attributed to Abraham Lincoln.  I think Romney was trying to catch some flies with all the sweetness.  On the other hand, Obama was dispensing a lot of gall.  This means that Romney should win right?  Not so fast.  The real drop of honey that Obama is dispensing is the money from the Treasury.  This is what's buying him votes.   The gallon of gall is reserved for the Republicans who want to take that away.  The lesson in that is that the country may have already been lost because the Democrats can appear to be generous with other peoples money, while the Republicans may actually give more personally, that doesn't seem to count.  Why?  My theory is something deeply seated in the human character is at work here, and the Republicans think they can address this with facts, logic, and reason.  It may not be accessible that way.
  3.  Is it all in vain, then?  Comment: If the Republicans have managed to convince so many women that they are cruel, how can they ever get this vote?  The Democrats have a lock on this vote and the Republicans can't get it with tricks and gimmicks.  Being nice, sweet, and saccharine isn't going to fool anybody who thinks the way the Democrats have trained them to think.
  4. Has  Obama crossed the Rubicon?  Comment: The saying "crossing the Rubicon" means going past the point of no return.  I think that may be the case with Benghazi.  If Obama can get away with this, the Republic is dead.  Just as dead as when Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon.  It may well be why he did it.  He wanted to establish that he could do something like this and get away with it.  What he's trying to get away with is that his Presidency is more important than any particular individual.  That's not been true up until now.  Up until now, if any individual was killed or allowed to be killed in order to save a President's political skin, that President would be finished. ( For the truth of this in art,  see Stephen King's The Dead Zone) He must know this, that is why he is lying.  He is probably hoping that the lies will go by and he will get away with something in the same way that Clinton did.  Clinton lied under oath.  For the Republicans to depend on the legal process to get him for it is wishful thinking.  It didn't work with Clinton.  It won't work for Obama and this either.  For if Obama wins, he can point to the election and say that the people have already decided in his favor.  That will end any challenge to what he has done.   He will have political cover and the game is over.  So will the Republic.  Only the people don't know that because they are being kept in the dark.
  5.   Does anybody know how to play this game?  Casey Stengel said this about the 1962 expansion team New York Mets- Meaning?  Romney may be losing by default.  Comment--- Why has Romney gone so soft?  Republicans have let themselves be intimidated by the liberals that they don't know how to win this fight.  David Horowitz once said the same thing--- the Republicans do not know how to fight the left.  Now I can see why he said that, and why we are so much in trouble.  The Republican just won't fight because they are described as being mean and that has them intimidated.  The left has trained everybody so well to accept their premises.  They are a small minority in this country, but they are very influential.  Well beyond their numbers.  When are Republicans going to fight for this country.  Ever? 

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