Friday, May 10, 2013

Checkmate: From global makeover to takeover

As our national moral compass has been compromised, so too has our ability to recognize the other assaults to our sovereignty, or our willingness to speak out against our own destruction. Specifically, we have an occupant of the White House who, by the admission of an unnamed senior member of his own staff, has an agenda to “kill the U.S. dollar,” the most widely held currency in the allocated reserves of many nations. On what planet, on which stage, in what venue does the killing of our national currency make any sense whatsoever? That is a question that has yet to be answered.

I definitely don't trust the media or the left.  The article declares that they are distracting the public and weakening the nation in order to destroy it and usher in a "new world order".   The new world order part was added by yours truly.

The bottom line is that people will not think for themselves so they will be led to wherever their masters want to lead them.  Just like so many dogs on a leash.

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