Saturday, May 25, 2013

How do you explain conditions that exist today in the West?

Is it oikophobia?

Oikophobia is the fear and hatred of the familiar.  The powers-that-be are thoroughly invested in it, according to Bill Whittle's video titled Mordor? .

You do wonder when watching this business in the UK and here in the US and how the response to it is going.  It's like the whole country has been infected by this mental self-loathing and paralysis.

I tended to disagree with Whittle after he compared the Hollywood left to Mordor.  Even if he's right, nobody will believe it.   The accusation invariably falls into a trap.

In my own way, I am fighting this.

The solution is to find solutions.  Solutions are not likely to found in the political process.  This is what it is about.  How can you do anything but dislike yourself if you can't find a solution to your problems?  The self respect of the nation and of the West in general, would certainly improve if solutions were to be found for our problems.

Funny thing.  Those solutions DO exist.  But you have to look for them and then implement them.

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