Saturday, April 6, 2013

Senate votes highlight Dem divisions over Keystone pipeline, carbon taxes

The Hill's E2-Wire


“Congress has entered a period of legislative limbo on climate, in part because a partisan divide on climate science that exists nowhere else in the world,” said Paul Bledsoe, a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund.

“There’s also a sneaking sense that many members of Congress on both sides prefer to let the President do the heavy lifting through regulation, rather than undertake more effective but politically complicated action themselves,” added Bledsoe, who worked on climate as an aide in the Clinton White House.[ emphasis added]
The only "sneaking sense" that I get from this is the idea that the left is trying to fuzz up an issue on which they are losing support.

Climate change is a code word for increased regulation and taxation.  It is packaged as a benefit---improved environment---but it doesn't deliver that.  Instead, it delivers a weaker economy and no change in performance on improvement in climate.  That's because climate is beyond our control.  Taxation and regulation is within our power to change, which can start if the language and the premises are properly defined.

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