Sunday, March 3, 2013

Why it won't be possible to post direct from speech to text from smartphone

Below is an attempt to create a post using speech to text from an app that I installed yesterday.  The output was unintelligible without massive editing.  The "results" are below:

This is my second attempt at putting a lot of text here.   I didn't intend some of the output, and I'm going to have to use a lot of the editing so that I get the the text to look correct.  It stopped in a time out a short time and put in a whole lot of stuff that I didn't say in here, so I think I want to train this thing to recognize my voice, and put out a proper text file.   It has a lot of junk in there, and I'll look dumb, and so the continuation of the software does show that it does put in stuff that I didn't say, and it looks dumb, but doesn't make me look dumb, it looks dumb instead.  I'm adding to it as I go along and I'm ending up with that long text file.

Sent from my Virgin Mobile Android-Powered Device ( edited massively to be somewhat readable.)

Okay I want to talk about what I did today on the smartphone and also on on the website.   This smart phone, been practicing with it so this voice to text so I can do the post the directly to my blog.   I should say potentially directly to my blog, just try a sharing it with the audience.   I must speak very terribly because this thing cannot to get the words right and I'm putting in stuff I didn't want to say.  Stuff I didn't want to say what I'm saying is I'm practicing with this smart phone not the whatever it said that and I forget what it said it said something else.   Besides the smartphone, I want to say also about the blog's software. Can you make any sense at all?   Would have said this is the third part that adding to this, but I guess a blog entry is too challenging to do directly, as it looks like it so I'm not saying anything that I wanted to say. I wanted to talk about blogging software for my blog--- not what it said--- it is saying something else.  Okay, the blogging software... I think it finally said I was talking about blogging software!  Okay I did that today, plus reading a book about HTML for dummies... repeat HTML for dummies, after repeated everything several times... HTML for dummies.  Anyway, this thing is not putting down what I'm saying and it said it has to be added to the lot so I don't know if I can I don't know if I can post directly from the speech to text because it is too many errors in it.

Sent from my Virgin Mobile Android-Powered Device  ( massively edited )

So there it is.  What a mess.

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