Thursday, January 10, 2013

Barnhardt: Obama ordered death of Ambassador Stevens

Y'all gonna think that I've flipped my wig cuz this gal has definitely flipped hers.  Just read what she says about this guy.

But, I've always been very suspicious of Obama.  Also, very, very, very suspicious about Benghazi.  So, let me pull out a few things she said on the subject of Benghazi.
  • Hillary began pushing the fake "protests against a video blaspheming the prophet" BEFORE WOODS AND DOHERTY WERE KILLED.
  • Hillary's official statement on Benghazi at 10:58pm Eastern...Doherty and Woods were killed by mortar fire between 11:14 and 11:26 pm EDT.
  • As I wrote back in October, Benghazi was the planned and calculated murder of Chris Stevens by the Obama regime, with Hillary at point because they needed him dead to cover the gunrunning by the Obama regime to the Muslim Brotherhood / al Qaeda.[ emphasis added]
  • One of the SEALs was on the roof of the building painting a target with a laser expecting a drone or a gunship to engage. What the SEAL failed to understand is that the drone he knew was flying above him was in fact the asset of the very people who ordered the strike, and that they were back in Washington watching via that drone-cam, cooly waiting for him, the ambassador and the other assets there present to die.
Now Obama wants to go after guns.  Supposedly, this is reaction to Sandy Hook, but this too, is very suspicious.  That's what the link was about near the beginning of this post.

To tell the truth, I considered buying the type of weapons being considered for banning.  But not yet.

What am I waiting for?  As I always do, I try to be rational.  I hope that we can keep our wits here.  But this may be about to get harder and harder to do.  We are being provoked, I suspect.  Best to keep cool and keep working the system and hope that the system hasn't been so corrupted that it has become useless.

Barnhardt has given up on the system.  I say "not yet".

Even after Romney going bean bag on Obama on the subject of Benghazi?  Yes.  Even after the Republicans caved in on the so called "fiscal cliff"?  Yes.

The litmus test for me is what will their reaction be to the attempt to confiscate our weapons?

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