Monday, December 17, 2012

Democrats scare me more than the madmen shooters

There's Obama on television again.  Who knows what he said, and frankly I don't care.

Demands for guns are over the top.  This event in Connecticut had nothing to do with the Second Amendment.  Predators will be predators.  To stop predators, you have to have force.  The force belongs in the hands of the people at the scene.  It doesn't belong in Washington DC.  The failure was with the people at the scene.  Let them handle their own domestic security problems.  It is not a national problem.  There's no reason for Obama to be trying to take this over.

The question now is this: do the Republicans actually intend to oppose this rising dictator?

Those in Congress don't seem to want to.  Bonehead appears all to ready to give in.

What's this country coming to?

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