Sunday, May 6, 2012

"The Life of Julia" And Obama's Orwellian Vision for a Fundamental Change In the Relationship Between Citizen and State


One of the central points of 1984 is that in true totalitarianism, the State must displace the natural allegiances of love -- romantic, familial, and brotherly (and, though Orwell might not agree -- Love of God, too)-- with a love of State.

Harsanyi is right. Obama is setting forward a vision contrary to the American tradition of self-sufficiency--a welfare state that runs from cradle to grave. And it's a dishonest vision, because it presents all of these benefits as "free," never acknowledging that they are paid for through coercive taxation.


After winning the cold war, we are set to lose everything that was once won in favor of what we defeated.  Yet, nobody seems amazed by that.  How can this be?   How can people so quickly forget history which shows what works and what doesn't?  Why do people embrace what had been proven a failure just 30 years ago?  Is the left wing propaganda and indoctrination so powerful that people are completely incapable of seeing what is and what isn't even when it is right in front of their own eyes?

I never understood how the guy got elected.  Why he is even in this race is even more amazing.  What the hell happened?

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