Monday, February 13, 2012

Tyler Cowen's 'Great Stagnation'-- Joseph Friedlander Perspective and Thoughts on Related Subjects

I've read a portion of this, not all of it.  Based upon what I've read, I think it is a good post.  Worth reading.


I'm correlating this post with an earlier post on my other blog

Cheat You Fair: Who Is Buying This Market?: h/t Free Republic There's probably a long answer and this post is probably it. The shorter answer is here: The answer ...

Plus, Obama is on record as opposing lowering capital gains taxes even if it means more revenue. He justifies this on the basis of fairness.


Economic growth is not desired. Redistribution of wealth is preferred. Also, a zero growth policy is the basic idea. It is based upon the notion of limited, finite resources.

In the end, the left will blame everybody else for the problems that they are creating.

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