Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Random thoughts

  •  Why should I agree to something that doesn't benefit me directly?  If those who think that the government is there for only fulfilling their whims, why agree to giving it them?  I think you should be against everything the government does as long as it is animated by that spirit.
  • Why be impressed with a moral argument from those who are amoral themselves?  That's the excuse that you will be given in order to support their whims.
  •  Moral hazard of TARP.  It brought a deluge of Obamaisms.  That's the idea that the government should pay for everybody's else's stuff.  Everybody should pay for their own stuff.  See above.
  •   People leaving California. Is that the only thing you can do is to leave?  What if everybody left the USA instead of coming to it?  What's left for those who want to stay.  More free stuff?  All the free stuff that somebody else has to pay for?  Is that why somebody would want to come here, or stay here?
  •   Limbaugh talking about unilateral disarmament. What will you do about it?  1) Revolt 2) Emigrate 3) Start your own country somewhere else -- like on a seastead or a O'Neill Colony in space.  The original Americans ( those who came to actually make their own way, not those in search of a free lunch) wanted to get away from their old countries to a place that was better.  That may no longer be true about this country. 
  • Limbaugh isn't saying he'd leave, but Alec Baldwin did.  The fact is that all these fat cats won't leave, it will be the little people.  The little people are the ones who leave.
  • Update:  What's on the Statue of Liberty --- "Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"  It ought to be changed to "Gimme, gimme, gimme.  I'm tired, I'm poor, and I yearning for a free lunch"

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