Sunday, February 12, 2012

The left's Moby Dick Moment

h/t Transterrestrial Musings

There was something about this post that struck me like the scene in First Contact, the Star Trek movie. It was the theme about revenge, like Captain Ahab wanted with respect to the whale and what it came to mean for him.

Instead of the Borg taking over the Enterprise, this is with respect to the phenomenon which the left is pleased to call "climate denial". But it isn't about climate at all, it is all about race.
Let’s remember what is too rarely discussed in polite company: Climate denial is largely concentrated among conservative white men. And not just conservative white men, but old conservative white men, otherwise known as the GOP base. The average age of a Fox News viewer is 65. A 2008 survey found that Rush Limbaugh’s audience is 72 percent male, 80 percent conservative, and an average age of 67.

So, it can't possibly be about the science.  No, it is about race.  Just to be sure about this, it isn't the issue of climate, no, it is the entire range of issues amongst the left.
This is a cohort that has convinced itself that bike paths are a U.N. plot. And I don’t mean “bike paths are a U.N. plot” in some sort of satirical, poetic-license sort of way. They really believe bike paths are a U.N. plot. They’ve convinced themselves that Obama is a Kenyan socialist with no birth certificate who apologizes for America and wants to fundamentally transform it into Europe, where they loll about all day on welfare, having homosexual sex while the Muslims take over. They believe in death panels and reeducation camps and giant North American mega-highways and creeping Sharia.

So white men are like the great white whale, who do all this damage to their treasured beliefs.  The damage has been done by the white men, who stand in for the role of the white whale- Moby Dick.  They, on the other hand, are like Captain Picard, who doesn't know when to quit.  There's nowhere in the piece about the science.  It is about politics and beliefs- those who disagree with the left are evil and must die and will die eventually.

I will make them pay for what they have done.
The white man has destroyed their world and they will have their revenge.  Don't interrupt them while they hunt their whale.


I wanted to add that this conflict seeking behavior is the opposite of what I've been trying to put forth on this blog.  The blog isn't about conflict over global warming, or what have you, it is about solutions to problems that exist in the here and now.  Amongst the problems indicated by the post mentioned is this conflict seeking behavior.  If climate change were the issue, the solutions exist within the parameters of what we already know.  But it isn't about climate change, it is about "the other".  But if it is the conflict with "the other" that you seek, the solutions to the problems mentioned aren't wanted.  It is  "the other" that is the problem.  Eliminating them is the solution in that universe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The average age of Limbaugh's audience is said to be 67? The average age of U.S. Senators is 62.8 The Senate is 93% white and 96% male. Maybe their fight is not with Rush, but with the U.S.Senate, since Rush is an entertainer and the Senate actually runs things.