Friday, September 16, 2011

Yep, they are better than us, cuz they say so

Here we go again with those on the left claiming the moral high ground that they don't deserve.

Incidentally, it is Paul Krugman who decided to weigh in on this one.  The link is from one of his ardent followers.  At least it appears that he is not going to go so far as to totally mis-characterize what happened, as though this follower has no such qualms.  Somehow, I am not persuaded by such claims of high moral superiority from this individual.

On the other hand, he did mis-characterize something.  He said that Ron Paul tried to evade the question.  No, actually, he didn't.  As a matter of fact, he probably should not have attempted an answer to a hypothetical question.  Instead, he should have demanded real life examples, instead of a hypothetical.

In addition, there are few on the right who would do away with all of the social safety net.  This is also a mis -characterization.  The left gets plenty of political advantage out of stirring up fears of such hyped up threats. What is really happening is that the left wants the power more than they want to help anybody.  So, if there is even a hint of trying to rein in the outlandish spending, the left shrieks in horror at the evil of it all.  We saw that with the recent budget battle.  The left do protest too much. The real threat is to their own power, not to anybody else.

If the left wants a fight over morality, bring it on.

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