Saturday, September 17, 2011

Obama ran against Bush in 2008, now he will run against Congress

Congressional Job Approval

Bush was on the way out in 2008.  It wasn't relevant.  Congress is divided into districts, therefore, it isn't a national body, per se.  It does legislate with respect to the Federal Government, but is not responsible to all of the people, but only those in their own districts.  Therefore, such a poll is meaningless.  And to run against it is also meaningless.

It may work politically, but it is dangerous.  For the only solution is to nationalize our politics, which is just exactly the wrong direction.  The government is too powerful already.  To nationalize any further would endanger our Federal form of government.

Should we want this?  I should think that the answer would be "no".  This could lead to dictatorship if it isn't checked.

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