Thursday, July 28, 2011

My fax to members of Congress

With respect to the second debt limit bill the Speaker has put forth for a vote:

As of this writing, Senator Reid has threatened to defeat this bill immediately, if passed. The question arises, why pass this bill at all? It is a political exercise only. Then a second questions arises, why should I send this fax with regards to a bill that won't become law?

The answer to the second is the same as the first. Thus, my letter is my own political exercise in our democratic system. I now offer my opinion, for what it is worth. Frankly, I think the idea that the government will default is just a bunch of hype.

I just found on the internet this morning several ways to fund the government aside from taxes and borrowing. There is no need for all this grandstanding. Why not just solve problems, instead? It becomes much more difficult to solve a problem in the heat of the moment. Let the passions ease and solutions to the problems can be discussed, hopefully in a rational manner.

I am not indifferent toward the process. But I am disappointed that reason can't seem to prevail. For if reason can't prevail in our highest councils, where are we?

My main concern: I am, in principle, against any bill to raise the debt limit without a balanced budget amendment being passed and sent to the states for ratification. But I realize that in the current political environment, such a goal may not be reachable.


posted on my blog "Boots and Oil"

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