Monday, June 27, 2011


Carl Rogers similarly wrote of "the curative force in psychotherapy - man's tendency to actualize himself, to become his express and activate all the capacities of the organism."

The labeling of "cold fusion" as pathological science has led to consider if there isn't something like that at work, but not amongst the cold fusioneers, but the ones doing the labeling.

Sort of like the labeling of a woman as a nymphomaniac, which is defined as having a greater sex drive than the one calling her a nymphomaniac.

I've seen some discussion of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, but does this match what's happening? Not so sure about that.

I checked into some sites that discussed abnormal psychology, and that may be getting closer. I've speculated that the people running things tend to be either sociopathic or psychopathic. Such people can exude personality traits that make them appear appealing, but their lack of empathy for others make them a type of monster. Furthermore, they tend to feel less fear, which makes them appear braver. However, the bravery is simply a lack of emotional feeling- they do not fear because they do not feel much of anything at all. In order to make up for that emptiness, they seek sensations, and tend to do risky things.

There could be many other explanations of course. The human mind is quite complex. People are not easy to figure.

Just thinking that the people leading us don't really have our best interests at heart. That idea is so radical though, that people won't accept it. It is too terrifying. What's the first thing that happened after 9/11? After a severe failure of the government to provide the one thing that the government should provide, which is security, the people rally around the government. It seems crazy to me.

What's the first thing that the opponents of Bush said? That he let it happen, as if it were a deliberate act. But the simplest explanation was that Bush was no better nor worse than any president that preceeded him. The first thing I heard was something like "They let it happen" from a black lady at work. It seems that people believe that those in government have this god like power and knowingness that will allow them to see things that no one else will see. On the one hand, you have people trusting the government more, and on the other hand, there are those who believe the government can do anything.

My own questions here do not fall in those extremes, I hope. What I try to do is to show something based upon logic, reason and evidence. It is up to those I am trying to communicate to see what I am seeing, or what I think I am seeing. If I am wrong, I am happy to consider another explanation. Let me know.

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