Monday, November 1, 2010

Flip This

Politicians, good ones, bad ones even mediocre ones, all share one trait. They are thick-skinned and never seem phased by criticism ( a few notable exceptions like Nixon and Truman). This makes it easy for them to change a position 180 degrees without a twitch. Some flip-flops are awesome, like John Kerry's "I voted for it before I voted against it" or was it vise versa? Doesn't matter, he was covered either way. Now, if the unthinkable happens and they lose their cushy gig and have to go to work for a living, where do most of the old politicos go? They become lobbyists. Still trying to shape peoples lives and tell them how to live, but doing it vicariously through their patrons billfold. So if Pelosi and Reid lose their seat at the big boys table, you'll find them handing out the bribes in D.C. as hired guns, see Tom Dashle (sic?).

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