Friday, August 30, 2024

What's with Kamala Harris, anyway?

She had an "interview" that took up an hour on TV. When it was completed, she actually talked for 16 minutes. She actually talked a lot longer, but they cut it out of the taped production. It wasn't live, it was taped and edited.

This is very, very thin coverage. After all the complaints about her not giving interviews, and this is all she has to say?

Secondly, she makes the most inexplicable types of mental errors. An example is forgetting what the name of the Supreme Court was. Some folks say she may have a type of schizophrenia there. Part of the symptoms for this is inappropriate laughing. She may not be able to focus on the subject matter at hand. She gets silly.

So there must be something there that they know about, and they are trying their best to hide it.

They kept Joe Biden in the basement for 2020 and it worked for them ( supposedly). This is looking a lot like that. They've got a very flawed candidate, but they don't seem to care unless it gets exposed, the way Biden got exposed.

So their strategy is to lay low for the next few months and cheat their way to victory again.

If the GOP lets that happen, which is very possible, I'm going to think that this really is rigged. On BOTH sides of the aisle.

Making an issue out of abortion when we got the Supreme Court decision in Dobbs is really ridiculous. There was an accusation that Trump is trying to lose because he won't sign an national abortion bill. What the F**k? After all this time, you've gotten this much limitation on abortion, and you want to risk that with this phony carping about a national abortion bill???? Keep in mind that not all of the GOP is with Trump. There's a lot of carping about Trump, but it is as fake as Kamala Harris is.

The only way she can win is if it is rigged, or if the people are too stupid for their own good. I'm more likely to believe the former rather than the latter. The people aren't too stupid, or they wouldn't have to hide a deeply flawed candidate. So they can win with a super dishonest election. It's the only way they can win.

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