Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Everything you wanted to know about a psy-op, but were afraid to ask

Ronald Reagan asked if you were better off than four years ago. Maybe it all depends upon how you approach the problem. For example, he didn't assert what he believed himself and then demanded that others agree. He just asked the question.

That's kinda the way RFK Jr. is putting it here. You cannot beat people over the head. You have approach it more subtly.

I'm more of a beat them over the head type. ( lol) I've been doing it for all these years, and not getting anywhere really. However, if you keep bashing the walls in, they just might fall. It seemed to happen with the COVID madness. All of a sudden, it was over. These leftards would be doing it today, but the public just started ignoring all the fear-mongering, and it was over. Just follow your own style, if it works for you. Or even it doesn't. That's because it just might work, especially if you're right.

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