Thursday, October 5, 2023

Dump Boca Chica?

This is a two-part video by the Angry Astronaut and Ellie in Space.

My own two cents is that this is political. If Musk had played ball with the Democrats, then he would have launched already. He might have launched twice already.

There's a political situation in the country right now that figures into this. Since the government is essentially out of control, an attempt to rein it in could yield a more reasonable FAA. At least, that is my hope.

An argument could be made that shut downs won't help. I don't think that shut downs will last if the GOP "rebel" faction stands firm. I think that the factions in control would have to negotiate. If the so-called rebels stay firm, the Establishment will lose the argument eventually. This is really a test of the resolve of the so-called rebels.

If the rebels succeed, then maybe a more reasonable government will emerge. For the record, holding back SpaceX because of the Fish and Wildlife bunch, who claims a problem with the new launch plate, is not a reasonable position to take. There's no issue here except political. It has nothing to do with the environment or public safety.

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