Wednesday, October 4, 2023


Update to post of 10/13/21:

The question is: Should airships make a comeback?

The conclusion is that they are specialized vehicles that could have a niche market. They probably cannot solve certain kinds of problems.

end update:


Just for the record, I'm not interested in the "carbon footprint" of anything. Let those who are concerned about that read elsewhere. Like everything else with the political left, climate change is a hoax as far as I'm concerned.

The thing that interests me is the practical aspect. Can you do something with this info? Of particular interest to me is some sort of private transportation on to my property out west. The roads aren't good, and they can flood easily during a storm. Not only that, those are dirt roads, and you can get stuck in the mud.

Consequently, some kind of aerial transport could be of interest to me. This would have to be much smaller, like the size of a standard automobile. The trouble is, lighter than air transportation involves big stuff. It may not be possible to get something compact as an automobile that can float into the air.

I did the calculations. To get something that small, it would have to be very, very light. It would also have to be very very strong for its weight. I don't so any materials out there that could do the job.

Yep, the numbers don't work. It was a thought.

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