Saturday, October 7, 2023

DC math

Update of yesterday's post:

The left is trying to destroy free enterprise, such as Starship, My Pillow, the oil industry and others.

These companies have run afoul of the Biden administration and they are retaliating. The government then replaces the lost jobs with government jobs. Meanwhile, the debt explodes. As if that wasn't bad enough, there are certain Republicans who see fit to fund the leftist priorities to destroy free enterprise and freedom. That's why McCarthy was booted out of the Speaker's chair. The GOP for its part, sides with McCarthy of all people. This demonstrates the perverse leadership America is receiving right now. Just thought I'd mention all this before the hammer comes down, and nobody will be able to say anything the "leadership" doesn't like.

end update:

There's a lot of bragging on the September jobs report in Biden world.

An alternative view is at the tweet.

If you look carefully, it is not that great. Lots of government jobs and healthcare. Lots of part-time jobs.

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