Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Spent the morning looking for this

There's a movie that you can watch on Tubi, which about the Prophet Daniel. There was a stretch towards the end of the movie in which Daniel is speaking to Cyrus the Great. In the movie, the character playing Daniel says something that is quite startling. He says that the Prophet Isaiah predicts his arrival a hundred and fifty years before it happens, and uses Cyrus' very own name.

That kinda grabbed me. I had to check this out. Not being a patient reader, I gave up trying to find it in the Bible, so I went to this guy. I watched a bunch of his videos, and here's the last one on Isaiah, and here it is. It's verified, by golly, by gosh. So it actually exists.

That's pretty impressive. Anyway, here's the stretch where Randal Smith discusses how Isaiah prosephied that Cyrus the Great would conquer Babylon, which led to the end of the Babylonian Captivity. The movie checked out.

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