Thursday, September 28, 2023

On the edge of destruction


Here's an AP write up of the case.

Bullet points: 1) Prosecutors refused a criminal fraud trial 2) no evidence of harm to the public 3) statute of limitation had run out 4) will seek to nationalize private property and assets without any evidence of harm

This post is a bit hard to organize. Let's say a thought is trying to form up, and then allowing itself to be expressed as a post.

A couple current events could serve as examples of something as of yet is unspecified. What does it mean? First event was the New Mexico governor overruling the law with respect to guns. The other event is that a New York judge just declared that Donald Trump committed fraud in overvaluing one of his properties in order to get a loan. The latter requires a bit more comment. I checked out the Federal law regarding fraud vis-a-vis the Bush 43 administration with repect to the claim of WMD in Iraq. What I found is that fraud requires the knowledge of something being false and this was used in order to obtain something that was out of reach otherwise. One would presume that all fraud is like that, so New York state law has to be similar to Federal law regarding fraud. What I'm getting at here is this event in New York was not in accordance with law. Therefore, there's two events here in which an official has gone beyond the law and has acted arbitrarily.

If one thing happens, it is an anomaly. If two things or more things like it happens, then something is going on. So what is going on here? What you have here is government officials acting outside the law. All public officials in the USA have to take an oath of office supporting the Constitution of the United States. They are SUBSERVIENT to the law, since the Constitution is the Supreme law of the land. If they go outside the law, they are acting in a CRIMINAL manner.

Let's take a little segue into the movies again, as I am inclined to do at times. It's something I saw recently about the Mafia figures depicted in the movie "Goodfellas". There was this character in the movie who was called "Tommy", who seemed like a major league psycho. Since the movie was based upon a real story, then this character was based upon a real person. It so happens that the real "Tommy" was even worse than the character in the movie. An example of what the real dude did was that he would kill somebody at random just because he considered himself to be a "bad dude".

What I'm getting at is this: If government officials start acting arbitrarily outside the law, then anything is possible. That would include just killing off people at their whim. Shoot, if you can kill Trump's interests in the state of New York on some arbitrary extralegal opinion of some judge, then anything is possible. That COULD very well include MURDER. Trump's business interests in New York state have been MURDERED BY A JUDGE.

Let's return to the New York situation. I read that there is a valid disagreement as to what the facts really are with regard to the value of the property in question. How can there be fraud then? If the facts of the situation are in dispute, there can be no fraud. That's because fraud has to have the facts in possession of the person doing the fraud. If there is disagreement as to what the true value really was, then there can be no fraud. Besides that, there was no harm done to the bank that gave out the loan that was based upon the value of the property in question. The loan was paid in full. Where's the injury??? How could the bank be defrauded when it received no injury? In other words, this judge just pulled this fraud judgement out of thin air. The judge is outside the law.

These are but two examples. I suspect that there could be many more. If public officials believe that they can act outside the law with no consequences to themselves, then order is breaking down. Anything is possible. This situation cannot be sustained. Something has to give. This is no small thing. This is an existential thing. If it isn't corrected, and corrected very soon, it will lead to chaos.

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