Friday, August 11, 2023

Welding the Starship together

Informative video on how that humonguous Starship gets built.

So why focus so much on Starship? Because that is how material progress used to occur in this country. If we leave it up to the socialists, things like this will never happen. That's because it doesn't happen automatically. Somebody has to think it up, and if the government is always blocking the way, these things will never get built.

Throwing a lot of money doesn't necessarily bring results either. It has taken many more years to develop the SLS even though the technology is over 50 years old. More time was spent and a lot more money. But Starship is more advanced than the SLS, which uses Shuttle technology that was meant to be reusable, but failed.

It can happen because of freedom. That freedom is being destroyed systematically. These people, if they had their way, would destroy SpaceX. They would do it because of no other reason than the fact that he took over one of their pet projects on the basis of FREE SPEECH. What a crime! /sarc

I watch Spacex to see if he can realize his dream. All the while, there are people who would spitefully stop him for no other reason than a difference in opinion.

There is much talk of the division in the country. Whose fault is it? Actually, the thought should be who cares? It doesn't hurt anything to disagree. In the end, you might learn something useful during the struggle. Nobody can right all the time.

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