Wednesday, July 19, 2023

What are they trying to pull, here?


The idea of charging Trump and his followers for insurrection is a shot over the bow against Constitutional governance. Why? This scene from the movie "Braveheart" shows why. Wallace is accused of treason against his KING. In that form of governance, the King is the sovereign. Loyalty is required to him PERSONALLY. Not so in a Constitutional system. Everyone in such a system is required to swear an oath to the Constitution.  The Constitution is the sovereign entity.

This enables a "loyal opposition". The left wants to eliminate any opposition to them. Hence any opposition to them is sedition.  What we have here is an usurpation of the rule of law, not the defense of it. Overturning the Constitution was not Trump's aim.  Indeed, he was in support of it.  The real insurrection is how these people are attempting to install a different sovereignty over this nation. They are attempting to become the sovereign.  It will no longer be a Constitutional system if they succeed.  It will be in "name only".

Again, what they are demanding is loyalty to THEM, not the Constitution.  The law provides for a loyal opposition.  Trump was disputing the outcome of an election.  He was not attempting to overthrow the Constitution. The political left is attempting to end any notion of disloyalty to their rule. But their rule is not provided for in the Constitution.

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