Thursday, July 20, 2023

Don't like being a downer, but this is not good

It's a war out there. Seems like China is up to something, according to Bongino. Also, I saw something this morning about China over fishing in areas to the extent that damage is done to the ecosystems. These ecosystems may never recover. China seems to be a hostile entity. It would be well to remember that they are still loyal to communism, and everything that that means.

Meanwhile, our own government is at war with us. Not only the Democrats, but certain Republicans. There are some Republicans who threaten to jump parties, as if this was a meaningful threat. Since they obviously sympathize with the commies, who have taken over the Democrat party, this country has no defense. That might embolden the Chinese to make aggressive moves.

It's a war of all against all.

The specter of the Four Horsemen comes to mind. Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death.

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