Sunday, July 23, 2023

Crybabies threaten to leave GOP


Threats to leave GOP are not serious.

Leaving the party won't get them re-elected. For those who have done this, the track record is clear.

It echoes the threat to leave the country if a GOP nominee wins. The lefties don't do it , and if they did, they'd be back.

Also, the Wisconsin Supreme Court election shows what happens when GOP'ers run against their base. Nope, what these guys do is to pretend that they are conservative, then govern as liberals. So if they left, it wouldn't matter to the GOP, and the left wouldn't take them in, anyway.

The left prefers REAL commies, not fakes. If you're a fake, better run as a Republican. They'll vote for fakes in the GOP. Nearly all of them are fakes, to varying degrees.

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