Monday, April 10, 2023

What's coming, part deuce

It's hard to express complex thoughts sometimes. But everything must have a beginning, so with a brief stab at what I'm thinking, here goes:

Dick Morris says that there are some Medicare cuts coming. That will be on top of the Medicaid cuts already in the pipeline. What this tells me is that people are going to start to feel the effects of tight money. We've had a long time now with easy money, so the money is going to be tighter. This is only the beginning...

One reason for tighter money is the realization that the dollar may no longer be the world's reserve currency. The fact of the matter is that the USA reaps a lot of bounty off that role, and that role is being challenged right now by the BRICS nations. It's getting more and more widespread, and that makes the dollar weaker and weaker. The more that it happens, the more momentum it gathers. Then one day, the dollar could collapse. When that happens, all hell could break loose. Our fat, lazy, and dumb public is about to find out some hard realities.

So Biden could be trying to get ahead of it. Keep in mind that Brandon caused this snowball to start going downhill in the first place. This isn't just some accident. It was part and parcel of this Green New Deal. Since the dollar depended upon a bargain made with the Saudis way back when, the fact that we are drifting away from that understanding is why the dollar is falling out of favor with the Saudis, as well as many others who have been grumbling about the dollar for a long time now. Brandon has just given our enemies an opportunity to do away with the King Dollar. This is not good news for those accustomed to the status quo of easy money.

The consequences could be an economic collapse. If the dollar collapses, then a lot of people who thought they were rich and going to find themselves getting poor really fast. The dollar is supported by a lot of debt. If those debts cannot be repaid, and if they can no longer borrow their way out of it, then what will happen? It won't be pretty. There will be a lot of very unhappy campers around this neck of the woods. Interest rates are already going up, and its going to be harder and harder to service that debt.

So Medicare and Medicaid could be the canaries in the coal mine, so to speak. Other cuts are inevitable, as the crunch takes hold. This will have political effects. Can the big government apparatus manage what they've managed to undermine? It seems doubtful, but one thing is certain. Those in power will not give it up easily.

Along with economic collapse, there will be political upheaval. Indeed, that is what those in power want. But the trick is to keep this from boomeranging on them. So they'll need an assist from the their opponents. This would be the rest of us. The powers that be will try to hang it all on everyone else but themselves, but it was these same people who caused this mess in the first place. With their profligacy, their grasping for power, and their poor stewardship. Their greatest strength though, is their ability to avoid accountability.

That's what all the cancel culture is about. If people don't know what's going on, then how can responsibility be determined? If the ballot box gets tampered with, then how can the public right the ship? Chaos will rule. At least for awhile. With chaos comes opportunity. That's what some must be playing for.

I had a thought recently that went along with a quote from Milton. To paraphrase, these people would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven. They'll put the rest of us into hell before they'd ever do anything to improve upon the situation. It's hell that they prefer, because that is how they get their power.

We don't have much time.

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