Tuesday, April 11, 2023

The weakness of certain elements of the GOP is disgusting


This is in reference to the recent indictment of Trump. There are serious deficiencies in the indictment, and to attempt to judge Trump's fitness as the GOP nominee due to this indictment is what has gotten me a more than a bit annoyed.

There are some, which are in various places, who have decided to use the indictment to claim that there's something wrong with Trump being the nominee. One of those is Gov. Kasick of Ohio. Another is a blogger in the blog known as "Power Line".

There is a blogger there who appears to be a never Trumper. I'm sure it is the same guy who has written against Trump before. I don't read the blog a lot, but I have read it many time previously. There are times when you come across something like this, as Hinderasser questions why Trump should be nominated, and that there's something wrong with that fact. There must be something wrong with US who defend Trump. You don't have to like Trump, but he is a US citizen. We are supposed to have rights.

This is terribly weak if he actually believes it, or a huge lie if he doesn't.

The DA in New York refused to name the crime and claimed that he doesn't have to. Did it occur to these never Trumpers that he MAY NOT HAVE A CASE? For if he actually named the crime, he might get laughed out of court. So he says he doesn't have to name the crime. Very convenient for him and his Democrat cohorts. Also very convenient for never Trumpers.

It is clear that the Democrats want to make political hay with this, and so do the never Trumpers. If anybody bothered to look, they might find the REAL CRIME.

We have a Constitution, you know. An accused person has rights, supposedly, but evidently there are those who don't.

These people have enormous gall to claim that they support the "rule of law", and "democracy". For if it were the rule of law, there wouldn't be secret courts and secret crimes. If it were "democracy", there would be at least two viable and real parties. There wouldn't be a fake party that allows the dominant party to name those who the public will be allowed to vote for. All the Democrats have to do is make an accusation and the person is disqualified. How convenient. They would always choose the weakest opponent, so that they would always win. There are those in the GOP who claim that they support the American tradition. This is more in line with the Stalinist Soviet Union. Supposedly, the never Trumpers were against the Stalinist tactics being employed there at that time, so why do they support these same tactics here in America now???

The Democrats and the Never Trumpers are trying to rig the election in 2024. Why wouldn't they have done the same in 2020? If they can do this now, why not then??? Not only that, but also a false flag "insurrection". The Never Trumpers have tried to make political hay out that too.

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