Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Unrest in Sri Lanka

Seen on Instapundit 4 horsemen ready to ride

Thanks to some very questionable decisions by the leadership in Sri Lanka, the situation there is becoming dire. The public is taking it out on the leadership.

Seems like I heard of that somewhere before....

Lots of stuff pointing to a developing situation all around that might suggest that what's happening there isn't unique... In other words, it's coming to a country near YOU.

Maybe it is all a plan, like the Great Reset. The more chaos, the more chance for a strongman to emerge. If you wanted to destablize the world, you would do exactly what they are doing now. NONE of their ideas work. That is the point. Once enough people figure that out, and figure that the leadership is really trying to harm them, then what would you expect people to do? Exactly what they are doing now in Sri Lanka.

The question is: "What comes later?"

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