Monday, May 16, 2022

About current events

The news media has gotten so bad in this country that it is hard to tell what is really going on. As a consequence, there has been a big drop off here in writing about current events. If I don't have confidence in what I'm writing, maybe it is better to not write at all.

Not that I have greater confidence now. There are alternative avenues for different takes on current events. The commercial media is a joke. The rest of these might be reliable, but it is hard to know for sure. Everything here can be said to be speculation...

After all that, here's what I think about a few things....

On the financial front, much is being said about the "market crash". The "crash" doesn't look like much of one to me. It looks more like it could be a topping pattern, as it is rounded in appearance, and it can't seem to advance to much higher highs. But the lows aren't going into new territory, or least not yet. Therefore, to me, it is definitely not a crash... yet. There OUGHT to be a crash, but something is holding up this hot mess. What that could be is the petrodollar. A topic beyond the scope of this little ditty.

The War in Ukraine is even more difficult to assess. If you follow the media, it may seem like Ukraine is winning. A look at the map would seem to indicate otherwise. Couple that with some alternative news, and the idea of a Ukrainian victory melts away. The significant thing here is that Ukraine is not negotiating. Any talk of victory from the Ukrainians seems delusional. As long as Russia is holding vast swaths of territory, and they can't get their goods in or out, then they are in rough shape. Sending money to them is like throwing "good money after bad". That assumes that there is any such thing as good money in the USA these days. As far as the USA is concerned, it could be backing the losing side yet again. Another notch in the globalist losing streak. Yay, team.../sarc

Politically, the GOP should be cashing in. But the GOP never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Given how badly the Dems are running the country, the GOP should be winning BIG TIME. Also, if you listen to the GOP fanboys, they ARE winning big time. But wait a minute... There is much talk about Biden's polls, yet Biden is fairly steady in the Rasmussen Poll. Count me skeptical about all the disaster talk for the Dems. I'm not on their side, but there is no side that is worth supporting at this juncture. The GOP is acting in their typical stupid fashion. Going along with Biden on Ukraine only shields Biden from another debacle, which appears to be a real possibility. That's so dumb that it amazes me. Maybe not that amazed though. These guys are so bad that it is hard to be truly surprised anymore at their legendary stupidity and incomptence.

If things really go into the tank, the GOP might cash in. But since they won't separate themselves all that much from the Democrats, it could be just more business as usual after the election. That's why there's no real choice here, only the pretension of one. The "political divide" is just more kabuki theater for the suckers who believe their nonsense. A smart operator would position himself as someone who differs from those who are sending us into the pit of catastrophe. If nobody separates themselves from those who are fouling our nest, then who can you turn to fix things up? Right now, that list of folks seems mighty short.

After the election, things could get "interesting"-- but not in a good way.

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