Thursday, May 19, 2022

Not about left v right, but about slavery v freedom

So Dan Bongino says that he won't waste your time. The show today doesn't do anything but play on the left's battlespace that they've defined for us. To play on that battlespace is to accept their premises. You end up as a loser before you even start. After 5 minutes, I shut the program down. Wrong track there, Dan Bongino.

Why is it so hard to understand? He starts out with the correct observation that the left is trying to claim the "center". But there's no "center" in this argument. The left-center-right paradigm is just another means of fooling the public. Bongino is correct to go after the duplicity of the left, but wrong to call conservatism as part of the "right". To do so is a mistake. The correct paradigm is about freedom versus slavery. If you argue on those premises, you are on better ground. To argue about who is closer to the center, the left or the "right", is a guaranteed loser argument. At best, you get a draw. For the Democrats and the leftists, this would be a win. The left has no business winning in this environment. They cannot run on their record, but they can run on fear of the "other".

If you argue about freedom versus slavery, you can note that the left has been the party of shutdowns, masks, and censorship of those who disagree. None of these positions are about freedom nor truth. Bongino gets it right when he says that fear is the coin of the realm of the left. They have to make you afraid of the "other". The other is anybody not left. Anybody not left is a fascist to these people. A fascist is someone to be feared. The left needs people to be afraid, just as Bongino says. That much he says is right on target. But the left-right-center paradigm has to go. It enables them to engender fear in the public. If that succeeds, all the reason and evidence won't matter.

Why is this so hard to understand? Is it because that it pays more to play their game? Is it really about winning the argument, or is it really about making money?

It is okay to make money. But it is not okay to deceive people. To argue as being part of the right is just playing into the hands of the left. You cannot be serious about defeating their arguments by playing their game. Playing their game just wastes MY time. Thumbs down to his show today for that reason. Sorry I have to come down hard on somebody who I'd like to think is on my side. But this is too damned important to screw up like this.

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