Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The truth will out, but how long will it take, and will it matter when it does?


What the Media isn't telling you about RussiaGate

The above is a link to a Zero Hedge article that tells the story that the Establishment Media won't tell.

It's about the Crowdstrike claim that the Hillary emails were hacked. But they weren't, and all of the Establishment Media knew it. They hid the story that Adam Schiff had hid the testimony that establishes the fact that the story of Russian hacking was false.

As for me, it should have been evident from the very start that this was a set up. As linked to above, Crowdstrike was just a DNC operative entity. Why take their word for it? They cannot be considered objective, honest, nor fair.

If there's anyone deceived by this story, and that is even from the get-go, then they wanted it to be true. It had nothing to do with the truth.

Now there is a war that threatens to get bigger. Are people going to wake up in time, or even at all?

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