Monday, February 7, 2022

Science is respected, supposedly; but is it understood?

The word "science" got bandied about quite a bit during this so-called "pandemic". Pardon the air quotes for "pandemic", as my skepticism was kicked into overdrive once I suspected political motives. When Times Square kept a "Trump Death Clock", you know that politics is involved. At least, I did. Therefore, those who used the word science were only using it because it had a magical power about it. It had a magical power in the political sense because people respect science. Anything that attaches itself to that word has more repect for it as a consequence. But this isn't earned if it isn't true.

You can argue incessantly about the "science", but in the end, you'll have to decide these things for yourself. Albert Einstein once said that if you cannot explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it. Once someone tries to pull the expert tone on you, you can be assured that the effort is not to enlighten; but to confuse. It doesn't matter what title that person has. If that person doesn't explain it so anybody can understand, then they basically don't know what they are talking about--- or they are lying. If you dispute it, you may be accused of denying the science. Nope. Science is not some priestly caste dispensing its mysteries upon us all. It is thoroughly ground in truth, and if it cannot be explained to the average Joe, then it doesn't matter who is doing the explaining.

In other words, don't surrender your mind even though there are people out there demanding that you do just that.

How do you weed through all the "misinformation" out there, then? A lot of it is fairly easy. Covid was supposed to kill millions. It didn't happen. True, the death count is supposedly nearing a million, or so they say. It is also true that hospitals got money for reporting a covid death. It is also true that the "covid test" reported out a great deal many more "cases" than was actually the case. The results were rigged to make it appear to be much worse than it was.

Some of the fog of all this is getting cleared up by the day. Covid deaths have been greatly exagerrated. This fact and many more will become more and more obvious. So we did all the shutdowns, masks, and mandates because somebody said the magic word -- "science!", and people surrendered their minds to the magic word.

Here in Texas, there are few people wearing masks. Life is mostly back to normal. You still see masks in some places. These people are more afraid of being sued than in getting sick with covid. Frankly, I think this was ALWAYS the case. It was never about the health issue. It was a financial and political issue. Which boils down to politics, as politics and money are closely related.

Now that Covid may be winding down, what's next? It seems that we may see some movement towards more lockdowns and such on the basis of a climate "emergency". In order to support all this ginned-up fear, the magic word "science" will once more be trotted out. Hopefully the response will not be what the commies want, and people will demand far more evidence for all the fear-mongering.

I was just reading about communism while browsing the web. It didn't work the way Marx had predicted. It was supposed to start in rich countries. Instead, it was the poor countries; like Russia. So they changed tactics. The commies started the idea of the Frankfort School. The idea was to take over the "high ground" of a civilization, and make their revolution from the top down. It certainly does appear that they've managed to seize the high ground of Western Civilization. The question now is whether or not that can "succeed" in rich countries as it has in some of the poorer countries.

Communism cannot succeed anywhere, really. It can only succeed if it has total control. That's because nobody in their right minds would choose to live that way, and the commies know it. So they have to trick people into giving up their minds and let themselves be subjected to the rule of communists. Once that happens, it becomes nearly impossible for it to be reversed.

You can be assured that the covid thing wasn't about health. It was about politics. The next step would be to manufacture new "emergencies" so that they can claim full power. Once that happens, the only way to change things back would require that blood literally would be running in the streets.

The Democrats seem to get a solid 40% of the people. But they don't have 40% of the people because a good many of those 40% don't understand who they are getting in bed with. The communists will take away private property. Of those 40% who are voting with the Democrats, who in turn are allying themselves with hard-core leftists; a good many are home-owners. If they knew for a fact what these people intend to do to them, they would RUN away from these commies. A good many in the Senate might have voted against the recent "commies forever" bill to forever rig elections in their favor. But they keep the "party" together by pretending to be allied with those who they shouldn't have anything to do with.

The communists are pretty bold these days. In the days when communism was deemed to be dangerous ( as it truly is), they had to HIDE. They aren't hiding so much anymore. They think their time has come. The commies may be right if people don't wise-up and soon. The covid crisis was ginned-up. There will be more like it because this one worked too well. The next one could be about climate or about Russia. But it is bound to be about something that will give them the excuse to demand more power and control.

Give one thing to the commies, they are a persistent bunch. If the Russian thing doesn't work, they'll try something else. That might be a "climate emergency". They'll use the ruse of science to try to get that past the people. You might find yourself in masks, and eating bugs if they let you live. That's how it goes in commie-run societies.

There are some who believe that this covid thing was a Malthusian plot to kill off a lot of people. It may have been. It it were to be discovered as such, they'll claim that the "science" tells them that there are too many people on Earth. If science were to be truly discussed on this issue, it might well be the case that the Earth could support billions more people. The amount of resources will claim to be insufficient. But resources don't go away. That's the science of it. You cannot destroy matter. Burn up the fossil fuels, but the molecules that make up the fossil fuels are still there. That's the science. You don't ever really use up the matter. It is still there. It is a matter of rearranging the molecules, and you have the fuel all over again. It takes energy, and there's plenty of that. They told us about an energy crisis in the seventies, but that was another one of their lies that was found to be fake, and we have more than we know what to do with.

Commies will lie because they have to, and they know it. Lenin said as much. The Communist Manifesto said a dictatorship of the proletariat will be necessary because people will not want to embrace communism. They will want to get away from it, but that won't be possible if the commies win. They know full well that people don't want to live that way. Many of the people who are voting for the Democrats do not seem to understand what they are playing around with. Let's hope that they don't cause all of us to find out the hard way.

There is one thing that sets a commie apart from the rest and it is their inherent dishonesty. Scatch a commie, and you will find a liar. The two are inseparable. Therefore, for any claim that is made, DEMAND proof. This may be the best vaccine against a commie. Without their lies, they are dead in the water. Nobody in their right mind wants to live the way the commies will demand that you live. They are in a small minority. Nobody would join them if they knew the truth about them. Truth will beat them every time, and they know it. That's what the cancel culture is about. It cannot stand the disinfecting power of light of truth. Truth is their enemy and it cannot be allowed to come to light.

If science is about anything, it is about the truth. That's the one thing that the commies don't want you to know about. You can take that one to the bank. If they commies use that word, it is to trick you or defeat you. It is never about the truth with them. It is about power. Theirs, not yours. It was never about your health, but theirs. It was never about anything at all, except themselves. That's the biggest of their lies, and it is not about YOU but THEM instead. It's not for you but for themselves. Understand that and you will be prepared for their next lie.

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