Saturday, November 16, 2019

Ukraine scandal: Much deeper than you've been led to believe.



4:15 pm:

I watched this again--- no, I STUDIED it.  Yes.  This requires attention and STUDY.  Why?  Well, it is complicated.  Names are thrown out there, but there is one thing, just one thing that you might get out of this if you get nothing else.  


There. I said it.  

1:10 pm:

This is the post in which Beck outlined what was testified ( falsely ) to yesterday.  Yep.  Yovanovitch was lying her butt off. 

The scared mousey act was to play up the emotions while obfuscating the facts.  Trump's tweet was the icing on the cake as far as they were concerned.  It is how they played up Trump as the bad guy while they were trying to screw him.  They were doing it in 2016 and they are doing it again.

Trump is threatening to expose them, and so far they are probably succeeding up to a point.  But a Rassmussen poll shows that they aren't fooling the majority.  Most in that poll think the press is trying to help out the Democrats with impeachment.  At any rate, the Dems are sitting on top of a 10 megaton nuke that will vaporize their plans if it blows.  It just might.


Glenn Beck discusses the history of the scandal, and the scandal doesn't belong to Trump.

However, the odds of the average knucklehead ever learning about this, are zero.  Why?  Because they listen to the liars in the media.  Is Beck a liar too?  Well, I tell you what.  Those who criticize the powers that be are not the ones telling you what you can and cannot say.  The left does that.

Maybe I'm selling the average knucklehead short.  But I don't think so.  The average knucklehead is a knucklehead because the powers that be want him to be a knucklehead.  The average knucklehead just wants to go about his business.  He cannot be bothered to ever look into matters such as this.  After all, he has a job, and a life.

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance, it has been said.  Here is an object lesson that proves how true that really is.

Note:  Glenn Beck did not seem friendly to Trump, if memory serves.  This shouldn't be a partisan issue.  Those who call themselves Democrats should reflect upon what their party is doing to them.  In short their party is dragging them into a massive conspiracy which is intended to defraud the public out of its own freedom and position within our own country.  Don't be a knucklehead.  At least ask some questions that the leadership of the Democrat Party doesn't seem to want to answer.

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