Saturday, August 3, 2019

This is predictable.



About leaving that circle dance.   The "circle dance" occurs when a group of people believes the same way, and are expected to conform to the group's norms.  This happens even when their beliefs go against the facts.  To an outsider, these people can seem to be insane.

As for yours truly, I have not considered myself a joiner.  My political views have shifted over time, so I have no trouble changing my point of view if I deem it necessary.

A recent example is how my eyes were opened with respect to how Donald Trump was being treated.  What I regard as lying about the guy still continues, and is coming from certain members of the so-called "conservative" group.

Yet, I still consider myself quite conservative.

I voted for both Bushes twice, but now, I would be quite hesitant to ever vote for a Bush.  If another in the Bush clan ever won the nomination for president or governor of Texas, I would think twice about voting for him/her.  The Bushes embody the type of defeatism that I find so abhorrent in the modern GOP.  I see Trump as the antidote.

The ones who left the circle then, are the Bushites, and their ilk.  They want back in, but they may never be trusted again.

Perhaps I did join a circle.  But this circle has existed all along.  Up until the time of Trump, it had no leader.  Now we do.

The Bushites have lost their position within the party.  They're the outsiders now looking in.


Blaming Trump for the burglary at Elijah Cummings home is typical moonbattery.

All blame is always on the "other".

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