Thursday, August 1, 2019

No good deed goes unpunished


Note:  correction in the title.  It amazes me how many typos get past me.  I even have Grammarly at work for me.  Geez.

8:39 am:

Even though this could well be 100 percent true, the fact remains that the black approval rate for Trump has gone lower.

This seems rather perverse, but it could be the dirty rotten secret to the Democrat's success.  They don't have to help black people.  The reason is that black people won't hold the Democrats accountable.  They could have held the Democrats accountable in 2018, but wouldn't.

Why should the Democrats help blacks then?  All they have to do is to accuse any Republican of being racist, and that's good enough for them.  Why should Republicans help blacks, if you help them and get punished for it?  Bush had some proposals that could have helped blacks, but he was blamed for Katina in 2005.   Goodwill only seems to work with virtue signaling only.  Good deeds only get punished.

Maybe the poll the author cited is wrong.  It had better be.  Trump is going to need a "Blexit" because there's way too much incentive to virtue signal, and refuse to do anything to improve the situation at all.  If identity politics is successful as this poll suggests, it is a bad sign.

Trump's recent tweets won't help him politically, but it might force the Democrats to do something besides virtue signaling.  It is good governance, but he won't be rewarded for it.

Daily Update:

10:48 am:

How should Trump proceed?  He can put pressure on Democrats by making them exercise some leadership, and help out.  He could do it himself.  He could do what he did on the border.  Find undedicated funds and use them to deal with the problem.

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