Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Good news, eh?

This is what passes for conservatism in America.  Of all the things that Trump has done so far, this is the one thing that I object to.

The problem with "decriminalizing" homosexuality is that it gives the Mohammedans a propaganda advantage.  Islam can claim, with a straight face, that they are upholding morality.  On the other hand, the decadent and dying West ( which is the truth ) is overthrowing it all over the world.

Very bad news.

It is not good politically here, either.  How can Christians support this?  Moreover, the Dems can be opposed to it for the wrong reasons.  They may no longer be seen ( according to these so-called conservatives ) as no longer being somehow "racist" and "bigoted", but in reality are accepting all the left's premises, while still taking the heat for being what they aren't in the first place.

This is an idiotic position for Stephen Green to take, unless he is a homo himself.

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