Monday, January 21, 2019

Why tax the rich?

There seems to be a movement out there that seeks to raise taxes because of alleged inequality.

There probably wouldn't need to be such a tax if corporations were taxed instead.  Yet, there is probably a lot of resistance, especially on the "right", for such taxes.

Some folks like to define capitalism in order to accommodate corporations, but corporations are just another form of collectivism.  Indeed, you could call it collectivism for the rich.

Rather than there be collectivism of any kind, just simply tax corporations.  It doesn't impede capitalism, if capitalism refers to the right to own property and to make a profit.  In order to keep it a capitalist system, simply tolerate the corporations.  Don't drive them out of business-- but rather, just regulate them.  It would be consistent with the original intent of the US Constitution.  The US Constitution originally banned income taxes because that is a "capitation" tax.

Individuals are less likely to impose inequality as corporations do.  It is the nature of an activity, which is collective action, that imposes the most inequality.  Collective action on behalf the left, or on the right, delivers just as much inequality in their results. If equality is the goal, then taxing corporations is the way to go.  Leave the individual alone.  Individuals acting alone cannot be all that unequal.

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