Friday, December 7, 2018

Direction of USA is still going down

Despite of all the good work that Trump has been doing, he is not reversing the main trend. "Making America Great Again" may be too big of a challenge for him.

It seems all rather perverse, to have a majority of the country thinking that decline is better than greatness.  The perversity is real, however.  Nothing is done properly anymore.  Take the Mueller investigation.  If the law were truly followed, the matter would not have gotten any further than an IG report.  The IG report itself would have wrapped up pretty fast.  There was no crime.  If there was no crime, there should be no prosecutor---- period.  That fact that there was one, and a push to keep him on no matter what, is the kind of perversity that is prime evidence of the decline.

Of the things that are still working well, you can be assured that it won't last.  All of it is under unceasing attack from the same forces that are attacking Trump.  For example, the STEM ( Science, Technology, and Mathematics) sector is doing relatively well.  But the SJW crowd is making diversity more important that qualifications for the work.  It is becoming increasingly more important what a person's skin color or gender is, as opposed to their ability to do the work.  Of course, to point this out is "bigoted" in some way, shape, or form.

Our adversaries aren't so wrapped up in so-called social justice.  They will surpass us, while we argue over these irrelevant issues.

AGW is a big test.  The fact that it continues is a bad sign.  AGW is not a science,  It anti-science.  Science encourages dissent, as dissent is what make science go forward.  AGW theorists suppress dissent.  Therefore, they are not interested in the science, but to the contrary.  If they are successful, first rate STEM work will be a thing of the past.  It is the last leg that is holding the country up.

Trump is just a pin prick in this huge balloon--- of the phony baloney existential claptrap of the left.  Yet, they act as if he is far more significant than he really is.  If he was really determined, he wouldn't be putting up with 1 percent of the nonsense that he is putting up with now.  Trump is just like those who preceded him-- a mere speed bump on the way down.  There is no change in the direction, it is still going downhill, but not quite as fast as before.

Once Trump is out of the way, things will begin to accelerate on the downward path.  Obviously, I am not convinced that there will be a happy ending to this.

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